Harp lessons and performance
Play the harp!
I'm based in Cheltenham, UK and specialise in playing and teaching the lever harp (also known as the "Small harp" or "Clarsach"). This is a perfect instrument in its own right in terms of its repertoire, sound and portability. Students can also use the lever harp on their journey towards playing the pedal harp. I am always delighted to take on new students, either regularly or on an as-needed basis. For young students I set a minimum age of 11 to learn, as I feel it's likely to be more successful and practical. The first two of my students (both taught by me from scratch) gained scholarships at Cheltenham Ladies' College and at a private secondary school, thanks to their harp playing - and I'm proud of their achievement.
My approach
I have a holistic approach to learning and in addition to gaining success in these and in ABRSM exams, I also cover other crucial musical skills such as learning by ear, playing from memory, analysis, composition and performing with others. These are all vital skills for a musician - for enjoyment as well as giving tremendous flexibility and options for the type of music played - and provide variety to the lessons. I often create free pdf materials and mini-videos to help my students over particular points of technique but I also use duets, musical games and iPad apps during lessons, as appropriate. Following an initial discussion, every lesson is based on the needs of the individual student. With young students, I encourage parents to attend at least the first few initial lessons to ensure the relationship is a happy one and to understand what's being taught.
Distance no object
I am very happy to run internet video lessons if people have already made a start; these can of course be from anywhere in the world and I currently have pupils in the US as well as in the UK.
About me
I maintain a diverse portfolio of music activities. I give solo concerts, play in a celtic band, and help run / accompany a very successful school Choir. I am currently also working with early years professionals in mainstream and special needs children's settings and in hospitals in Gloucestershire and have produced specialist CDs and DVDs for children, young people and their carers including a project I ran at the Neonatal Unit at Gloucester Hospital, composing and playing the harp for babies and their parents, including during procedures, for which I got funding from the Arts Council. I have a background in the BBC in using video and audio technologies to support learning. Finally, using collaborative improvisation techniques, I explore the dynamics of change and creativity with people in organisational groups across Europe.
Video showcase